Finn Rickman

Apprentice business systems specialist.

This Website is under (heavy) construction
This is just a preview (Last updated 2023-05-03)

Don't believe me? here's some 90's geocities-esque "under construction" banners as proof

How am I doing this?

This website is running on a system with Ubuntu Server 22.04.1 LTS with Apache2 and PHP 8.1.

It currently has a 2500K and 10GB DDR3 1333MT/s and is being used to run this homepage, the nextcloud server seen at */nextcloud (will soon be migrating it to cloud.*) and a personal plex server.

In future, I'd quite like to set up a catch all email, so I can receive incoming emails to * and differentiate where spam is coming from

I also have a WireGuard VPN server running on a raspberry pi, I use this to ssh into my devices at home, and also to host LAN sessions to play games with people on games with no native online support.

Post Script

I apologize for the unfinished state of this website. If you would like to learn more about me and my skillset, please take a look at my CV.